Yoda and the Art of Dog Training


I’ll not hide it, I’m goaling for all new students to get really good at this stuff. I love to see people and dogs learn, it’s my major motivator, I am invested.” Jenny Adams

Yoda (from Star Wars for those who may have been locked in a box for the last 40 years), Yoda said: Don’t try, do.

Is he right?

I’ve been thinking about what Yoda said since 1980, which is when he said it.

Well, I think Yoda’s sentiment is right, I think “trying” is pretty often associated with failing.  And although I think failing is actually fine, it’s how we move on from fails that’s important. Whatever, I’m going to suggest another word, a better word, the one I’m going to try to strive to kick start my endeavours from now on.


Which is bigger than trying but smaller than doing and it’s where I want to be when I’m starting any task I know I’m not proficient at yet.

I do have a poster in class that  says DO IT, in big friendly letters.  I say that its more important when training your do to do it in the first place rather than worrying about doing it wrong.  But I know that ain’t quite right.  But DO IT, makes a much cleaner poster than STRIVE TO DO IT.  Maybe I should make a Strive to Do It poster on the back of the Do It poster in case questions in class lead to the need for more detail.  I like that idea.

Child reading big book

Somebody who’s striving

I strive to push the rock up the hill, I expect to really give it a good push – or many pushes.  My “try” could be no more than a featherlight push.  Okay, okay, a little push might not be much of a try:  Johnny, you’re not really trying!  But isn’t “really trying” actually striving?


  • We Google, probably a lot
  • We train the dog, probably a lot
  • We keep some kind of record of how we’re doing
  • Ask questions
  • Make plans
  • Read books
  • Take the time it takes
  • We keep going

Isn’t “strive” scary though? Yeah, little bit.  Still, I like it, I think it’s the right mindset when we’re starting off any task we’re committed to which might be more than featherlight. Although Yoda isn’t the one who said: “Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway”, I think he wanted to, I think they cut that scene.  Baaaad George Lucas.  I’d had put it in there had I been George Lucas but I would’ve said: Feel the Fear and Strive to Do It Anyway.

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